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June 2023 Branch Meeting

  • The Wellington Club (level 4) 88 The Terrace Wellington (map)

Dr. Hadleigh Clark

“New Targets – are dentists ready for the new era in Oncology?”

Small molecule and targeted therapies are revolutionising the pharmacologic and clinical landscape, now being considered the fourth ‘pillar’ of oncology care. But what are these drugs? How do they work? In this talk, the concept of what constitutes “targeted therapy” and what precisely is being “targeted” will be covered. Implications for dental practice will be highlighted through case-based discussion on orofacial adverse events, occurring secondary to these new therapies.

Hadleigh is an Oral Medicine Specialist based at the Greenlane Clinical Centre, Te Toka Tumai Auckland, Te Whatu Ora. He has clinical interests in immunologically related diseases affecting the oral mucosa and salivary glands, including those related to cancer immunotherapy. He is an advocate for interdisciplinary collaboration and regularly provides talks to dental, medical and allied health groups.


If you are attending the meeting in person (RSVP’s for dinner are now closed), please complete the RSVP form. If you are attending the presentation via Zoom, please see the Zoom meeting link in the June newsletter email you will be sent ahead of the meeting. Thank you.

6.15pm-7.30pm: Dinner
7.30pm–7.45pm: Branch meeting
7.45pm–9pm: Presentation (Prompt 9pm finish)

3 May

May 2023 Branch Meeting

5 July

July 2023 Branch Meeting